Please check-in at the Trail Centre for your safety. Info line: 078 3433572.
Send a message to make 100% sure the trails are open on the particular day (or time) you are buying a permit for.
Trails are marked from the Trail Head at Muratie in Green for easy (ABC trail), with blue extensions for intermediate riders/runners and black for Enduro.
You choose how many loops you want to ride and how far as they all connect at the Junctions (Gilloolys & Clapham).
Longest trail is the Never say Never ending again singletrack (nearly the top of Simonsberg).
You can ride/run anything from 5km up to 30km+ (if you know which loops to take)
A map will be available at the trail head.
Dirtopia Trail Centre is located at Muratie Wine farm- across from the wine cellar.
Trail Runners are welcome to enjoy the trails too – permits required as well.
Hikers stay on the blue "foot steps' trail with steps up & down. 3.5km total