New Years Eve Sunset Hike'24 @ Muratie

R 175.00


See the sunset over Table Mountain and a view of the Winelands, while enjoying a wonderful adventure with friends & family.

A glass of Muratie's Lady Alice MCC included for adults and a juice for kids.

 The marked circle route.  It can take you 30 to 45 minutes to reach the top, so do not arrive at the Trail Centre later than 19h15 to ensure that you have the full experience!

Sunset 19h58
Latest time to start hiking back 20h30! (Farm closes 22h00)

Bring extra cash for Muratie wine at the top. (return glasses to the wine stand please)
Bring a blanket and a torch plus good (closed) walking shoes.
Total distance of circular route 3.5km. Take a torch, picnic blanket and jacket. NO SMOKING OR FIRES (which includes the use of gas stoves) on the mountain. Leave no trace - DO NOT LITTER. Return wine glasses to the wine stand please.
Alcohol to be consumed in a responsible manner.  Stay on hiking trail marked with blue footprints – do NOT follow bike paths. Remember not to leave valuables in your vehicle.  For safety – do not get separated from a group.