Pos Points Name School RaceNo Race Cat Laps Start Time Finish Time Time
1 250 Uminathi Zwane Curro Academy The Blyde 9 Sub Nipper Boys SNB(1) 4 13:40:00 14:23:01 0:43:01
2 200 Lwandle Mwale Curro The Blyde 2 Sub Nipper Boys SNB(2) 4 13:40:00 14:23:15 0:43:15
3 160 Reatlegile Losaba Curro Academy The Blyde 8 Sub Nipper Boys SNB(3) 4 13:40:00 14:24:15 0:44:15
7 120 Felton Ezeaka Curro The Blyde 10 Sub Nipper Boys SNB(1) 4 13:40:00 14:25:44 0:45:44
11 90 Kgosi Sekgaolela Curro The Blyde 5 Sub Nipper Boys SNB(1) 2 13:40:00 14:22:57 0:42:57

Provisional School Results (Primary Schools)

School Region Entrants Points (M) Points (F) Points (Total)
Curro The Blyde Gauteng North 19 2485 500 2985
Curro Academy The Blyde Gauteng North 4 410 400 810
Kingdom Preparatory School Gauteng North 1 0 250 250