Pos Points Name School RaceNo Race Cat Laps Start Time Finish Time Time
1 250 Kamogelo Rapao Curro Academy The Blyde 107 Sub Nipper Girls SNG(1) 3 13:40:00 14:50:13 1:10:13
2 200 Lesedi Lehong Curro The Blyde 104 Sub Nipper Girls SNG(2) 3 13:40:00 14:50:58 1:10:58
3 160 Seitshiro Ziphozethu Dhludhlu Curro The Blyde 106 Sub Nipper Girls SNG(3) 3 13:40:00 14:51:15 1:11:15
4 150 Mufunwa Nditwane Curro Academy The Blyde 105 Sub Nipper Girls SNG(4) 2 13:40:00 14:50:34 1:10:34

Provisional School Results (Primary Schools)

School Region Entrants Points (M) Points (F) Points (Total)
Curro The Blyde Gauteng North 19 2485 500 2985
Curro Academy The Blyde Gauteng North 4 410 400 810
Kingdom Preparatory School Gauteng North 1 0 250 250